The question above was from a text sent by a Rapper named 'Ms. Hottness'.
Ms. Hottness said, "I want to make my own beats. I have a song in my head and I want to hear if the music will work with the lyrics."
As a Music Producer, there is one product that I recommend to anyone who wants to make a beat. That program is Sonic Producer. Sonic Producer has been on the market for over 3 years now.
This beat-making software has satisfied the urge of people who dream of getting their Music out of their heads an into the speakers of listeners.
Sonic Producer allows you to make a beat without having any experience creating music. This software comes with step-by-step instructions that allow you to create and save your music as an Mp3. Sonic Producer is perfect for the beginner or professional producer.
So, if you want to make beats, become a music producer, or are looking for an on-line sequencer feel free to check out Sonic Producer.
If you have any opinions of this software or have questions about it please feel free to leave a comment below. *Promotion Services LLC is an affiliate of Sonic Producer.
A few years ago, I had the once in a life-time experience of meeting Eric Benet. If you haven't heard of Eric Benet, it's because you do not listen to R&B Music. That's ok.
Even if you don't know Eric Benet, know one thing. He is a success in today's music biz.
I had the pleasure of recording Eric Benet back in 2005. I was the Creative Services Director at Start 94.5 FM and he stopped by to promote his song I "Wanna Be Loved".
How to Succeed in music like Eric Benet
First, Eric is a P.I.M.P. Professional in Music Promotion. Eric Benet didn't show up unannounced. He personally reached out to the powers that be at the Radio Station and requested an appearance.
Eric Benet showed up on time and as planned, and did a planned interview on-air. Then as Eric walked toward the Production Studio, at least 20 of his fans were waiting. He had been invited to meet and greet the soulful singer at the Radio Station.
Eric gave hugs to the women (some with tears in the eyes) and gave the men a fist-pound. Behind his pleasant attitude I could see Eric Benet was there to sell more records. He had a professionals attitude which is a major key to success.
Don't Hesitate to Display Your Talent
Once in the Production Studio, I asked Eric to sing a couple of bars of "I Wanna Be Loved". Eric immediately, broke into the song with no hesitation. I was impressed because he did not hesitate to display his talent.
Check out the video below to see Eric Benet recording his 2010 R&B hit, "Sometimes I Cry".
Music Promotion is all about displaying talent. The goal is to sell more music. A Music Professional, when given the chance will not hesitate to take the opportunity to display their talent.
Learn the Tricks of the Music Trade
"It takes a great student to become a master"
I realized early on in my Marketing Career, that to become a master, I had to first be a great student. I tell anyone who asks me, "how do I succeed in music", to become a student of the business first.
As in any business, there are tricks, tips and techniques that every upcoming recording artists needs to know to reach the success they desire. One of those is knowing when to accept helpful advice. A great student is humble enough to realize that there are things they don't.
Most importantly, a great student knows and uses only the things that do work (for example getting radio airplay like Eric Benet).
Above are a few starter tips to succeed in today's Music Industry. To stay updated on the latest tips, join Today's Music Biz on Facebook.
If so, here are the top 3 mistakes that I've seen stop up and coming Music Artists in their tracks.
1. Disbelief
In the Music Biz, "if you don't believe in your Music, no one else will" . That's what music teacher Mark Bartomeli, of the Jacksonville Music Academy is quoted to have said. You have to believe in your talent and abilities as an up and coming Music Artist. If you are over 30 years old and have been dreaming of being a success in the Music Business for years, you should keep believing. If you are a under 30 years old hold on to your belief in yourself as the days go by. Disbelief is a mistake that is easily avoided by believing in yourself.
2. Inaction
Inaction means no activity for a long time. Inaction is a mistake that we've seen a lot of would-be great musicians make. In the Music Biz, inaction occurs when the talent won't take the next step. For example, I recently heard a song that I knew could be a hit. The problem was the artist had not taken the step to copyright the single so the song had not been legally protected. I asked the Songwriter, "did you copyright that song?"
The Songwriter replied "I haven't got around to it". This person was shopping the single to a Major Artist on a Major Record Label but had not taken the step to protect his opportunity to succeed in the Music Biz. I encourage you not to make the mistake of being inactive - especially when it comes to taking the next step. The simple cure for inaction is action.
3. Fear of Failure and Success
Every entrepreneur (including myself) has some fears. But we can not afford the mistake of fearing failure. But most importantly, we can not fear success. As a successful person you will feel resentment, hate, envy, and disbelief from friends, foes, and competitors. You will have people you barley knew - or, ones who never liked you before, acting as if you owe them something for your success. Unfortunately, there is no cure for the problems that come with success. The good thing is, if you are a success there is no reason to fear failure.
What mistakes can you think of? Feel free to share any Music Biz Mistakes you can think of below.
Fergie, lead female vocalist for The Black Eyed Peas was recently named Billboards Women of the Year for 2010.What was one of Fergie’s secrets to success? Fergie and her fellow musicians “The Pea’s” are perfect examples of using anthems to stay on top.“Where Is The Love?” was The Peas first major hit. I don’t know if I’d call it inspirational but it did make you think. The people loved it.It landed at #8 on the Billboard Top 100.
Have you ever been at concert and the crowd was chanting to the music?
Through the years all great causes have had songs to create and maintain movement. From the Civil Rights movement to We Will Rock You, Anthems work! Even if your cause is self promotion. Why? Because…
Music Unites People.
How do you write an anthem to unite and inspire or even to Rock? Well, Today’s Music Biz Team has broken Anthems down into 5 categories.Each one of them has brought various artists success in their music career.
Party Anthems and Dance Moves – Music created to move the crowd.The Twist, da Butt, Soulja Boy…need I say more.Also any shuffle works to move the crowd and cross social boundaries.
Inspirational - Songs that people connect with that make them feel inspired where ever they are in their life or that moves them in some way.As I mentioned above, The Peas charted with one.“I’ve Got a Feeling” is another good one. Every genre is full of inspirational songs.
Supporting a larger cause – We’ve seen this more this type of Anthem more this year than ever.Artist came out and wrote songs to causes close to their hearts. To help Haiti., of the Black Eyed Pea remixed The Who’s song “My Generation”.Artists came together to re-create “We Are The World” for New Orleans. Country Musicians were on the forefront ofThe Tennessee flood. We continue to hear songs from the past, some even passed down through generations, songs that support great causes.
Break up anthems – This type of anthem touches people personally.There are songs about the pain and never getting over you, but many successful songs are about moving on and kickin’ the ex to the curb.Beyonce with “Irreplaceable”, Number 1 and 3x Platinum.Carrie Underwood’s “Before He Cheats”, Number 1 and 3x Platinum. Cee Lo Greene is already nominated for a Grammy for his hit song "Forget You!"
Your name (or a derivative of) - “Fergalicious” featuring topped the charts at #2. Fergie’s album The Dutchess went 2x Platinum in the US. I have to mention Soulja Boy again here because he practically succeeded in becoming a house hold name.
It’s about Unification.Music unites people and Anthems are proven to be successful.
What great Anthems do you love?What are your memories associated with them?Leave a comment below and tell us.