Kasondra Kay (aka "Ms. IT") has been encouraging Music Marketing Professionsals to use digital Media tools for a few years. Ms. IT has been promoting one tool in particular. New research from NPD and reported by CNET confirms what Kasondra suspected.
A July 2008 study done by NPD finds that Twitter can help Music Marketers increase downloads by 77%! Kasondra deserves a BIG pat on the back for having the vision to see through the endless tech tools and select twitter.
"People on Twitter purchased 77 percent more digital downloads, on average, than those who were not tweeting. One-third listened to music on a social-networking site, 41 percent listened to online radio (compared with 22 percent of all Web users), and 39 percent watched a music video online (versus 25 percent of all Web users)."
In our Music Biz Podcast's we are known to be on top of the latest Music Marketing tools. That's why we urge every serious Music Marketer to follow Kasondra on Twitter to get the latest show updates and cutting edge Music Biz Tech Tips..
This Music Marketing blog post is brought to you by the letter's A. B. and C
The are three fundamentals for Marketing Music in Today's Music Biz. What are they? Stick around and keep reading for today's answer. You can jump ahead of the class by watching this video.
What is Music Marketing?
"Music Marketing is the science of selling more music, to more of your fans - more often".
That quote isn't entirely mine. I learned it from Sergio Zyman. Mr. Zymans' book, 'The End of Marketing As We Know It', was revolutionary. In that book Mr. Zyman shattered a lot of the Marketing missteps and helped me to focus on what was important for my clients; selling more of whatever they marketed.
The ABC's Of Music Marketing.
As the title of today's post suggest there are three components to marketing music to gain more sales. The ABC's of Music Marketing are:
In fact, there is an easy to remember formula to use when marketing your music to Fans:
"Audience + Benefits = Conversions"
Who is your audience? In marketing terms, what 'Demographic(s)' are you trying to sell to? Here are some good questions to ask:
What age range are your fan's? Are they Women 18 - 24 or are they Men 35-54?
What are they into?
Where do your fans shop?
What life-style do they lead?
How do your fan's vote?
Once you have a grasp of the Demographic Segments ("Demo) you're trying reach you'll save a lot of time formulating your marketing plans.
One thing that frustrates me is when an Artist asks me for help but they don't have a clue as to whom the Artist is trying to reach. If I had a dollar for every time a talented Indie Artist said, "I'm trying to reach everybody", I would have retired long ago with a fortune.
The sad fact is, every song won't sell to every one. For that reason, it's important to pick your Target (Market / Demo) carefully.
Benefits include what's in it for the 'Buyer'. Benefit's should not be confused with features. For example, if you've got some great graphics as Cover Art, those graphics are features. On the other-hand if those graphics can make the buyer relax, that is a benefit.
OK, let's take another example. Say you go to buy some speaker wire and you're on a budget? You find all kinds of colors, lengths and price ranges. Since you're on a budget, the higher priced wires are features, prevent you from buying. Whereas the speaker wires that fit your budget will provide you a benefit.
Now let's say the sales person at the store is trying to sell you on the various colors of the wires (but at a much higher price). How will that benefit you? It won't. Unless you find a benefit in color coordinating your sound system you'll buy any speaker wire that fits your budget. Fan's buy based on benefits - not features.
A "Conversion" is any action that your fan takes, based on your call to action. Marketing Professionals have a saying that, "nothing matters until after the conversion". Nothing could be more accurate in Today's Music Biz.
For example, Jay-Z has a new website (Rock4Life.com). This website allows visitors the opportunity to convert and follow all of "Rock Nation's" artist. How does he do this? By allowing visitors to make their own profile page on the site.
Every Music Marketer should have a feature that allows for small conversions to turn into big conversions later.
The goal of today's article, is to reveal the top 5 mistakes music marketer's make.
Mistake Number One: Distregarding Ones Image.
In the 1970's there was a saying that, "Image is everything". Nothing could be more true in Music Marketing today. This may be the reason why the OHIO PLAYERS (Album Cover pictured left) used sexy women on their Album Cover Art.
Artist or Bands who fail to keep a consistent image will find less fan's, get less (if any) free publicity, and will sell fewer units.
In fact, the OHIO PLAYERS rarely ever appeared on their album overs. Yes, one of the greatest Funk Bands of all time had the marketing smarts to use sexy women on their Album Covers.
I was on a plane flight from Phoenix, Arizona to Orlando, Florida this summer. I was already aboard the plane when five men (about my age) boarded. Everyone else (including me) were greeted with the standard "welcome aboard". But these five guys were treated like Rock Stars. The Stewardess asked to take pictures with them, and they even got upgraded to the best seats as soon as all the passengers were seated.
What made these guys appear to be Rock Stars? They weren't handsome my any means, but they all had their hair done. A couple of them had beards trimmed in unique ways and they all had tattoos covering their arms. They looked like Rockers.
On the other-hand, I've seen other artist (like life Jennings) who've, in my opinion, come to Radio Station meet in greets looking like they were awakened in the middle of the night by the police to take a mugshot. Fan's who were excited to meet the artists were not impressed.
I've even heard fan's say to the artist, "you don't look anything like I imagined you would". What those fans were saying is, you don't look like a superstar.
Mistake Number Two: Lack of differentation.
A saying popular in marketing goes something like this, "difference makes a difference". What that means is, in a sea of sameness, sticking out creates more attention and awareness. Many artists look and sound like other well established artist. This tragedy of copy-catting imaging jumps Genre's. One can see evidence of this in Country and Hip-Hop and Rock Genres especially.
"Every artist or band must have a Unique Selling Position 'USP' ".
Without a USP, Fan's won't even notice that the artist or band even exists. Every artist must ask themselves, "what is my unique selling position"? Where do I fit in? An artist or band must get in where they fit in; or give up their hope for success in today's music biz.
Mistake Number Three, Ignoring Undesirable Aspects.
If you've ever watched American Idol from the start of the season, you'll notice that something transformative happens. If you haven't let's take Clay Aiken as an example. The video below features Clays' first Audition, in Atlanta GA.
Clay was not a good looking guy. He wasn't hideous, but he wasn't handsome - at all. His hair was a mess, and his clothes looked messy. Simon Cowell said, "you don't look like a Pop Star, but you've got a great voice." Clay said, "I think we should let America decide. And they did. They selected the Teddy-Bear of R&B, Ruben Studdard.
Why did American Idol Fan's pick Ruben over Clay? It boils down to image. Ruben had more of an acceptable image. Sure Ruben was overweight, but he looked better than Clay.
For the record, I detest the fact's that I've laid out today. But the truth is, they are facts that no Music Marketer, Artist, Band or Record Label can afford to ignore. Image is everything. Differentation matters, and undesirable qualities if not improved can damage one success in today's (fickle) Music Biz.
In my days as Music Director of a Hip-Hop Radio Station, I learned one big secret. This secret influenced not only my career, but every successful artist that I've worked with. What is this big secret? Two words "Emotional Marketing".
Taylor Swifts' latest single, "You Belong With Me" (in the video above) is one of the most added songs in America, at Radio, last week August 13. Why is that? Many people don't believe that Ms. Swift has the best singing voice. So what makes Taylor Swift so successful? What is her Secret?
Ms. Swifts' secret can be summed up in the words of every one who has ever been a teen with an unlikely crush on someone. In the song Ms. Swift is singing about a boy she likes. The problem is the boy is dating a popular (but mean) Cheerleader. What Ms. Swift is marketing in her music is love and desire.
Music Marketing is not about how "hot" or "rockin" or 'twangy" your music is. Music Marketing is about getting Fan's to trust the artist. Fan's want to identify with something. Hip-Hop Fan's identify with artists who have 'Swag' a.k.a. confidence. Rock Fan's identify with artists who are not scared to rebel, Country Fan's identify with music that reflects their values.
So, before you launch your next Music Marketing effort, take a moment and think about the emotional qualities of your music. Make sure that you communicate those emotional factors in your publicity efforts. Try to win Fan's emotionally and you'll be more persuasive at selling your music.
How do you feel about this big secret of Music Marketing? Let me know by placing a comment below? Also feel free to subscribe for Music Marketing updates.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Radio Insiders are dishing the dirt on the details of the RIAA's attempts to collect Royalties for Radio Airplay. The National Association of Broadcasters ("NAB") note that the Woodstock Music Festival would not have made history, if it wasn't for Radio Airplay.
For example, Carlos Santana, most remembered as the best performer at Woodstock. Mr. Santana, and his Genre jumping blend of Rock-N-Roll, continues to be promoted on Radio.
Below is a video of Santana performing at Woodstock in 1969.
In fairness to Radio, on the subject of Woodstock, it's true.
A NAB Spokes person says the RIAA and radio royalty advocates, must be smoking something funny, if the RIAA rebuses to recognize that Radio still plays a Majority of Woodstock Artists.
I wasn't even born yet, but I knew the legend of Woodstock before I was old enough to drive. How did I first hear about Woodstock? Yep, on the Radio. So Radio does Recording Artists a service, by playing and promoting Recording Artists.
I personally think the RIAA should surrender. Leave it alone. Radio delivers thousands of listeners to RIAA Artist every second.
We obtained this slide show from one of America's leading Digital Marketing Guru's - Mark Ramsey from his 'Hear 2.0' Blog. This show is full of fact's and should be read by anyone using Social Media to futher their business. ~ Jeronimo Black.