Today's Music Biz
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1. Create Your Space:
Be different. Fonzworth Bentley created space himself by being different. In marketing it’s called having a U.S.P. “Unique Selling Proposition“. You also may have heard of it as “positioning” in the market. Read the full article 4 Unseen Paths To Fonzworth Bentleys' Music Biz Success
Myspace is still an important site for every Musician Marketing themselves today.
This time Today's Music Biz shows you why every Musician should use Myspace as part of their marketing mix.
The Musician 'Pink'...who, by the way...happens to be #1 on Billboards digital music chart uses Myspace to sell her music.
Pink is number one…yes #1… in Digital Music Sales this week on Billboards top 100!
In this post I argue why using Myspace is still relevant...but only for Musician's who still want to sell more of their music.