Saturday, June 12, 2010

4 Overlooked Ways To Sell More Music

Today you'll discover 4 overlooked ways to sell more of your music.

Dick Clark is famous for a number of things.Dick Clark is known around the world, for his Rockin' New Years Eve broadcast.

If you're old school, you may remember his show, American Bandstand 

(Dick Clark is pictured center left, source ). 

Dick Clark is a masterful music promoter, and an often overlooked teacher of selling more music.Today's Music Biz will show you how to sell more of your music, by following the example of Dick Clark.

What Dick Clark Is Not Famous For

Dick Clark is viewed by millions, across generations as the all American boy next door. Music Biz insiders have described Dick Clark as "Americas Oldest Teenager"

Dick Clark is also a wise, and sober-minded Music Businessman.  Dick Clark once said;
"I'm a Survivor in a Business that constantly rejects you" ~ Dick Clark. ~
Nobody in the Music Biz can deny that Dick Clark is a shrewd Music Business Mogul. But what is more important is that Dick Clark, is a Music Biz Musician. He's used a dazzling array of ticks to sell more music to millions of fans across generations.

How Did Dick Clark Build His Music Biz Empire 

1. Publishing

Music Publishing has been helping people sell more music since the mid-15th Century. For thousands of years there's been a market for reproduced music. And Music Publishers have flourished because of it. Music Publishing is a great skill and a time-proven way to sell more music. So much so, that at one time, Music Barons successfully sold Queen Elizabeth VI of granting them a monopoly of Music Publishing. 

In 1950, Dick Clark expanded his role from Disc Jockey Music Publisher. Dick Clark discovered Music Publishing and didn't stop there. He also published Rock Roll and Remember, a Sunday Newspaper Comic Strip. If you love the Music Biz but are not musically a great performer, you may want to consider msuic publishing.

2. Producing

Dick Clark is owner of Dick Clark Productions, a company that produces some of the Music Industry's biggest events. Some of  Dick Clarks' well known productions are, the American Music Awards; So You Think You Can Dance, and American Bandstand.

There is far more in Music Production than producing Music. You can sell more music by producing concerts, video's, or your own music showcase.

Dick Clark Owns the American Bandstand Theater in Branson Missouri. This venue boast indoor and outdoor concert venues, a theater which features professional impersonators of Elvis, Cher, Michael Jackson, Ray Charles and others.

Just like Dick Clark, you can use your love of Music to create experiences that fans will pay for. 

3. Music Related Merchandising

First the nerdy description: Merchandising is the business of  sustaining commercial activity. Broken down further, Merchandising is selling more stuff to more people.  Dick Clark is a masterful Merchandiser.  For example, Dick Clark owns "Area 57", a recreational area that sells T-Shirts, biker badges, 

4. Music Licensing

Often overlooked by Musicians and others in the Music Biz is Music Licensing. Music Licensing is the business of using copyrighted music.

Dick Clark is a genius at Music Licensing. Although he has long stopped receiving payment for promoting and distributing music, he has become a legend at Music Licensing. All of the songs in all of his shows have had to be approved by the copyright owner. Dick Clark has used this skill to generate a fortune.

There are many opportunities for you to enter the world of music licensing and sell more of your Music.

Follow the example of Dick Clark and you are nearly guaranteed to sell more of your music.

To Learn The Secrets Of Becoming A (P.I.M.P.) "Professional In Music Promotion":Click here